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时间:2017-12-07 来源:文都教育



环境问题 environmental problem

环境保护 environmental protection

环境污染 environmental pollution/contamination

环境恶化 environmental deterioration

保持生态平衡 keep/strive ecological balance

可持续发展 sustainable development strategy

清洁可再生能源 clean renewable energy

一次性产品 disposable products

雾霾 haze

景点 scenic spot

不恰当的行为 inappropriate behavior

乱扔垃圾 litter

短期的经济利益 short-term economic benefits


积极的心态 positive attitude/optimism

合作精神 teamwork/ team spirit/cooperation

理性的选择 reasonable and rational choice

坚持不懈 persistence/ persistent/constant/tireless/painstaking effort

诚实守信 to be honest and faithful

自私自利 self-centered

高尚人格 noble characters

理想与现实 dream and reality

调整心态 adjust one’s attitude/state of mind

实现自我价值 realize self-value

偶像崇拜 idol worship

名人 celebrity

沉迷 obsession

仁爱 benevolence

谦虚 modesty

勤奋 diligence

人生观 outlook of life

世界观 world outlook

谨慎 prudence

创新 innovation


文化交流 cultural exchange

文化融合 cultural integration

中国传统文化 traditional Chinese culture

多元文化 multi-cultures (domestic, overseas, ancient, modern, artistic )

文化的多样性 diversity of the culture

文化要素 cultural factors/elements

跨文化交流 cross-cultural communication

人类文明 human civilization

流行文化 popular culture


社交网络 social network

即时通讯软件 instant messaging apps

高科技 science and technology/scientific technology

上网成瘾 the Internet addiction

虚拟的世界 virtual world

网上交友 making friends online

网络谣言 online gossip

团购 group purchase

网络监管 the Internet supervision

不负责任的言论 irresponsible remarks

数码产品 digital products

手机入网 mobile phone subion


中年人 the middle-aged

老年人 elders/senior citizens/aged parents

奉行孝道 practice filial piety

相互理解 mutual understanding

公德 public morality

传统美德 a traditional virtue

照顾/赡养 take care of/support

承担责任 undertake/shoulder the responsibility

逃避 shirk/run away from/escape

社会保障 social security

医疗保险 medical insurance

公费医疗 free medical care

商业诚信 commercial integrity

商业欺骗 commercial cheating

虚假承诺 fake promise

不公平竞争 unfair competitions

监管部门 supervision departments

厂家 manufacturer


下一篇:2018考研英语小作文话题预测 Day2


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