NO.1 The right way to get rid of it 放松监管,行之有道
NO.2 Why it’s so hard to admit you’re wrong 为什么承认错误这么难
NO.3 NO.1 The right way to get rid of it 放松监管,行之有道
NO.2 Why it’s so hard to admit you’re wrong 为什么承认错误这么难
NO.3 Will robots displace humans as motorised vehicles ousted horses?
NO.4 The elderly, cognitive decline and banking 老年人认知与理财能力均下降
NO.5 A lack of competition explains the flaws in American aviation 美国航空公司的问题在于缺乏竞争
NO.6 Macron wins presidency as France rejects Le Pen and her right-wing populist tide法国拒绝勒庞和右翼民粹主义 马克龙赢得大选
NO.7 Alison’s story: How $750,000 in drug ‘treatment’ destroyed her life艾莉森的故事:75万美元的戒毒治疗怎样毁掉了她的人生
NO.8 Massive, fast-moving cyberattack hits as many as 74 countries 大规模且快速的网络攻击袭击了多达74个国家
NO.9 Supreme Court won’t review decision that found N.C.voting law discriminates against African Americans 最高法院不会复议认为北卡州选举法歧视非裔美国人的判定
NO.10 May says she will extend protections for workers 梅说自己会扩大对工人的保护
NO.11 Understanding why loneliness exists can help ease it, say scientists 科学家表示理解孤独的存在意义可减轻孤独感
NO.12 Reinventing high school 重塑高中
NO.13 An unseen Edith Wharton’s play found hidden in Texas archive 沉封于德克萨斯州档案馆的伊迪丝·华顿的剧本
NO.14 For first time, Einstein’s relativity used to weigh a star爱因斯坦相对论首次被用来测重恒星
NO.15 Using magnetism to take the sea’s temperature 利用磁力测量海水温度
NO.16 What do think-tanks do? 智库究竟是干什么的?
NO.17 Anthony Atkinson, a British economist and expert on inequality, died on January 1st 与不平等作斗争的英国经济学家安东尼·阿特金森于1月1日离世
NO.18 Why governments should introduce gender budgeting 为什么政府应该引入性别预算
NO.19 It is easier than ever to fund an indie film, but harder than ever to get people to see it投资独立电影容易,招揽观众进电影院难
NO.20 Oil struggles to enter the digital age 石油业步入数字化时代举步维艰
NO.21 Plucking minerals from the seabed is back on the agenda 海底采矿重新提上议程
NO.22 The battle to build Donald Trump’s wall 修建特朗普“边境墙”之战
NO.23 You are not as smart as you think you are 你没有你想象的那么聪明
NO.24 Quantum leaps 量子跃迁
NO.25 The case for an efficiency tax 是时候对效率征税了
NO.26 Companies are racing to add value to water 各企业争相增加瓶装水的价值
NO.27 The history of growth should be all about recessions 经济增长源于衰退
NO.28 A girl’s new best friend 女性的新朋友
NO.29 Two putative human sex pheromones turn out not to be 两种假定的人类性费洛蒙(信息素)结果证明并不是
NO.30 Wind and solar power are disrupting electricity systems 风能和太阳能正在瓦解电力系统
NO.31 Big data, financial services and privacy 大数据、金融服务和隐私
NO.32 A crash course in understanding numbers 一堂教你理解数字的速成课
NO.33 New models for new media 新媒体的新模式
NO.34 Cloudification will mean upheaval in telecoms “云化”将在电信界掀起剧变
NO.35 How to have a better death 如何体面地死去
NO.36 The blue thread frays 磨损的蓝线
NO.37 Ranchers v. bison-huggers 牧民与拥抱野牛的人
NO.38 How to manage the computer-security threat 如何处理威胁计算机安全的问题
NO.39 East Germany’s population is shrinking 德国东部人口正在缩减
NO.40 In praise of serendipity 赞美好运
NO.41 How Germany’s Otto uses artificial intelligence 德国电子商务公司奥托集团是如何利用人工智能的
NO.42 Technology firms and the office of the future 科技公司及其未来的工作空间
NO.43 A trade economist wins the John Bates Clark medal 一位贸易经济学家获得了克拉克奖章
NO.44 The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data世界上最珍贵的资源不再是石油而是数据
NO.45 The ‘H-Bomb’ fizzles: The Harvard brand takes a hit 哈佛大学的美誉被特权与丑闻玷染
NO.46 The battle over the future of bitcoin 比特币的前景之争
NO.47 Teaching the teachers 教师的教育
NO.48 In the red 红色高温
NO.49 Why the world loves silicon valley and fears it 为什么硅谷让人又喜爱又害怕
NO.50 Slowing down 放慢速度
NO.51 Why is American home birth so dangerous? 为什么美国家庭分娩如此危险?
NO.52 Priceless 无价
NO.53 Reweaving the web 重塑互联网
NO.54 Your money or your data 要钱还是要数据
NO.55 How to crack a shell 如何打开空壳公司
NO.56 Cheques need balances 高管薪酬和股东制衡
NO.57 Risks and rewards 风险和回报
NO.58 The sleep of union 联盟的沉睡
NO.59 The NHS has a mountain to climb in its planned programme of change 国家医疗服务系统变革计划前路多舛
NO.60 When a job is not enough当一份工作不够时
NO.61 Precision medicine the theme at world’s biggest cancer conference 世界最大癌症会议的主题——精准医疗
NO.62 The imperial CFO 首席财务官“陛下”
NO.63 Feeling low 情绪低落
NO.64 Republican-authored voting laws in Wisconsin and Kansas overturned 共和党人提出的选举法在威斯康辛州和堪萨斯州被驳回
NO.65 Very hot drinks may cause cancer, but coffee does not, says WHO世界卫生组织:过热的饮料可能导致癌症 但咖啡本身不是致癌物
NO.66 Wrong project, wrong price 错误的项目错误的价格