大家都知道考研英语是公共课必考的一门课,很多同学在考研英语上因为基础不扎实,痛失复试资格,当然了考研界大佬何凯文每日一练是考生们在进行2019考研英语复习时,免费又实用的复习资料。今天陕西文都考研总部小编给大家整理了关于2019陕西文都考研英语:何凯文每日一练 day 61的知识点,如有需要及时加入陕西文都19考研交流群。文都考研网持续为考生们推送何凯文每日一练,欢迎考生访问查看。本期文都考研网为大家带来的是何凯文每日一练第六十一天。
When there are clear alternatives to burning fossil fuels then politicians who do not act to prevent it must stand accused not just of failing to act, but of condoning the mass poisoning of their people.
Politicians who do not stop alternatives must be blamed for ignoring the health of people.
1. alternatives 可替换物或者方式
2. fossil fuels 化石能源
3. stand accused not just of A, but of B 不仅被指责为A,而且被指责为B
4. condone 纵容(这个词是超纲词)但是完全不影响做题。(会影响做题的词我都替换了。)
比如昨天:laude= praise; price gouging= price raising 该做的我都会做,你也不要懈怠!
5. blame 指责
When there are clear alternatives to burning fossil fuels then politicians who do not act to prevent it must stand accused not just of failing to act, but of condoning the mass poisoning of their people.
1. When there are clear alternatives to burning fossil fuels
2. then politicians who do not act to prevent it must stand accused
这里it 的指代是关键!it只能是:burning fossil fuels
It是单数不可能指代clear alternatives啊!
思考题中:Politicians who do not stop alternatives!!!这就是偷换啊!
There will betelevision chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors thatwill disable them when they offend.
3.not just of failing to act, but of condoning the mass poisoning
Incidentally, if you’re wondering whether the stars belonging to Oscar-winning directors Roman Polanski or Woody Allen have become contentious, the answer is that they don’t exist. Presence on the Walk of Fame is by no means an automatic honor – a celebrity has to be nominated, then they have to accept it and someone has to shell out $40,000.
The reason why there is no name of Roman Polanski on the Walk of Fame may be that _____
(A) the fame of him and Woody Allen is disputable and controversial.
(B) his relation with Woody Allen is contentious for the Oscar competition.
(C) he is not famous enough to be accepted by the Walk of Fame.
(D) he has not been recommended or get the required payment paid.
上面就是给大家整理的2019陕西文都考研英语:何凯文每日一练 day 61的相关内容,如有更多疑问,请及时咨询在线老师。