大家都知道考研英语是公共课必考的一门课,很多同学在考研英语上因为基础不扎实,痛失复试资格,当然了考研界大佬何凯文每日一练是考生们在进行2019考研英语复习时,免费又实用的复习资料。今天陕西文都考研总部小编给大家整理了关于2019陕西文都考研英语:何凯文每日一练 day 56的知识点,如有需要及时加入陕西文都19考研交流群。文都考研网持续为考生们推送何凯文每日一练,欢迎考生访问查看。本期文都考研网为大家带来的是何凯文每日一练第五十六天。
内燃机一百多年占据主 导地位并不是因为它是最 好的引擎,而是历史的偶然让其获得了起始优势。很多事情都是这样,用户的习惯成了历史的推动力,很多产品也被打上了刻板的印记。比如:支付宝就是用来买单的,想要做社交聊天软件是很难。爱奇艺就是用来看奇葩说的,短视频抖音上的才比较夯。现在来看一下QWERTY keyboard,就是我们现在用的标准键盘。左到右就是这个六个字母。这种排组合从打字的角度来讲其实是非常不合理的,当时之所以这样设计是因为,如果打字者速度很快的话,当时打字机的机械按键就非常容易被卡住。所以才有了QWERTY的布局。
The QWERTY keyboard layout was designed to be deliberately inefficient so that the mechanical keys of the typewriter would jam less frequently. That feature is no longer relevant, but it doesn’t matter—we’re still typing on QWERTY keyboards, because that’s what people are used to. The same principle is what makes Google or Facebook or Amazon so massive.
Which of the following is true according to the text?
(A) QWERTY keyboards are still in use because of the mechanical keys.
(B) The habit of using QWERTY keyboards helps Google and the like.
(C) The user’s habit contributes to the success of Facebook and its like.
(D) QWERTY keyboards are popular due to its efficiency and less jamming.
1. The QWERTY keyboard layout 标准键盘的布局
2. deliberately 有意地
3. massive 体量巨大
4. And the like 等等; 根据之前名词性质的不同可以改写为:
and its like; and her like; and his like和and their like 等;
The QWERTY keyboard layout was designed to be deliberately inefficient so that the mechanical keys of the typewriter would jam less frequently.
1. The QWERTY keyboard layout was designed to be deliberately inefficient
2. so that the mechanical keys of the typewriter would jam less frequently.
That feature is no longer relevant, but it doesn’t matter—we’re still typing on QWERTY keyboards, because that’s what people are used to.
1. That feature is no longer relevant,
2.but it doesn’t matter—
3.we’re still typing on QWERTY keyboards,
4.because that’s what people are used to.
The same principle is what makes Google or Facebook or Amazon so massive.
(what 需要做is 的表语,同时需要做makes的主语。)
(What= something that)
1.The same principle is something
2.that makes Google or Facebook or Amazon so massive.
(A) QWERTY keyboards are still in use because of the mechanical keys.
(B) The habit of using QWERTY keyboards helps Google and the like.
(C) The user’s habit contributes to the success of Facebook and its like.
这个就是最 佳选项,“用户习惯有助于Facebook等的成功。”符合最后一句话所说。
当然有同学说,massive 就等于成功吗?当然不一定,但是在这里C选项已经是最 佳选项了,因为其他三个选项一定不对。
(D) QWERTY keyboards are popular due to its efficiency and less jamming.
But the truth is, the problem lies not with abuse of the medium, but with the medium itself. Addiction was built into social media’s design from the start – recall former Facebook president Sean Parker describing the “little dopamine hit” the product gives users to keep them hooked – and so too was the anger. The algorithm connected one’s fiercest opponents with each other online.
Something unpleasant as well as the pleasure is employed by social media to produce addiction.
上面就是给大家整理的2019陕西文都考研英语:何凯文每日一练 day 56的相关内容,如有更多疑问,请及时咨询在线老师。