大家都知道考研英语是公共课必考的一门课,很多同学在考研英语上因为基础不扎实,痛失复试资格,当然了考研界大佬何凯文每日一练是考生们在进行2019考研英语复习时,免费又实用的复习资料。今天陕西文都考研总部小编给大家整理了关于2019陕西文都考研英语:何凯文每日一练 day 109的知识点,如有需要及时加入陕西文都19考研交流群。文都考研网持续为考生们推送何凯文每日一练,欢迎考生访问查看。本期文都考研网为大家带来的是何凯文每日一练第一百零九天。
The twice-weekly newspaper, serving a town of a little over 10,000 people, may not previously have been widely read outside Buena Vista county, north-west Iowa, but Cullen’s editorials – “fuelled by tenacious reporting, impressive expertise and engaging writing that successfully challenged powerful corporate agricultural interests in Iowa” – certainly caught the attention of the Pulitzer committee.
1.Editorial 社论
2.Tenacious 锲而不舍的
3.Impressive 令人印象深刻的
4.Expertise 专业才能
5.Engaging 动人的
6.Challenge 挑战
7.Corporate 企业的
The twice-weekly newspaper may not previously have been widely read outside Buena Vista county, north-west Iowa
Cullen’s editorials certainly caught the attention of the Pulitzer committee
1. serving a town of a little over 10,000 people 定语
The twice-weekly newspaper serves a town of a little over 10,000 people
2. “fuelled by tenacious reporting, impressive expertise and engaging writing that successfully challenged powerful corporate agricultural interests in Iowa” (定语,而且我知道独立成句啊!)
1 )Cullen’s editorials was fuelled by tenacious reporting, impressive expertise and engaging writing
Cullen的社论 “以锲而不舍的报道、惊人的专业和动人的行文为‘燃料’
2) Cullen’s editorials successfully challenged powerful corporate agricultural interests in Iowa
参考译文: 这份一周两期的报纸服务于一个人口略微多于一万的市镇,也许先前在布尤纳维斯塔郡(位于爱荷华州西北部)以外并没有广泛的读者,但Cullen的社论——“以锲而不舍的报道、惊人的专业和动人的行文为‘燃料’,成功地挑战了爱荷华州强大的农业利益集团”——无疑得到了普利策评奖委员会的注意。
上面就是给大家整理的2019陕西文都考研英语:何凯文每日一练 day 109的相关内容,如有更多疑问,请及时咨询在线老师。